Recommended Learning Activities Week 4 Covid – 19 Closure

Hello everyone,

It is hard to believe that the Month of May and the season of summer are nearly upon us!

Please find links to this weeks activities below.

Mr Mc Donald’s Class

Mrs. Meagher’s Class

Ms. Brook’s Class

Ms. Nimmo’s Class

Ms. Bridge’s Class

Ms. Swaine’s Class 

I really want to emphasise to you that these weekly plans do not have to be fully or even partially completed if it does not suit your family situation. If you and your child/children spend the day outside in the garden, cooking, cleaning, playing and do not get any of the activities done at all that is ok too.

We are not comparing the activities that different children are doing as we know and understand that each family situation is different. I want to reassure you that if you are unable to do the activities your child will not be at a disadvantage. They will not fall behind. They will not need to repeat a class. The activities we are sending out are to give structure to the day and to keep minds thinking.

Our teachers are receiving emails from families planting vegetable gardens, there is lots of baking happening, farming, building in the garden, learning to cycle a bike, watching documentaries on Netflix and YouTube amongst many other things. So much learning happens in all of those activities.

So please don’t feel guilty if you cannot do all or any of the recommended activities and do not be worried about your child’s learning.

Kind regards,

Conor Mc Donald

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